Completing the renovation of the vineyard land
The work in the vineyard does not stop during a calendar year. Every season has its works to be done, as we cherish our vines to obtain the best wines
Summer, a season that usually rimes with vacations, rest, slowing down, is for us a very intense period in the winery, and more specifically in the vineyards.
Indeed, it is the season when the grapes have to do their veraison (change of color from green to yellow/red).
Won the award for best selling wine of the year
We are proud to announce that 2 of our wines were awarded by The Wine Hunter! What is THE WINEHUNTER AWARD?
The Wine Hunter Award is the award that is annually assigned to excellence of high quality wines, culinary products, distillates and craft beers. The award
guarantees the product’s superior quality. It is conferred to Italian and international products that reach the minimum score of 90 out of 100, after a careful
evaluation process.
Start looking for partners and expand the market
In time viticulture has developed throughout Italy and, though the Middle Ages the cultivation of the vine suffered a collapse, it was recovered in the Late
Middle Ages and the Renaissance developed agriculture bourgeois type «». They further enriched families with businesses stimulated the production and
consumption of wine and the vines spread again throughout Europe.
Produce more new flavors
We are proud to announce that 2 of our wines were awarded by The Wine Hunter! What is THE WINEHUNTER AWARD?
The Wine Hunter Award is the award that is annually assigned to excellence of high quality wines, culinary products, distillates and craft beers. The award
guarantees the product’s superior quality. It is conferred to Italian and international products that reach the minimum score of 90 out of 100, after a careful
evaluation process.
Building a chain of retail stores
A company is also made up of people, faces and people encounters. Giuseppe and Riccardo Olivi know it well, so they have wanted people to be confident of,
people who in their respective fields are able to manage the work with enthusiasm and skills. Last time we talked about Marino, our cellar man, key-person
for the control of wines at the moment of fermentation and to follow their evolution.
The brand holds the world market
We put our faces on this! We are sure you are curious to see who is behind the scene and who are right arms of Giuseppe & Riccardo on doing works on the
Winery. In this new column we try to introduce you our key persons! And who’s more «key person» then Marin? Marin is working at Olivi le Buche Winery
from 2004. Curious about his history and about his «tools of the trade»? discover more here below.